Jules Riding
If you are are in the Naki, here is a great event. Concert with JULES RIDING. LIFEGATE CHURCH 27 Cutfield Street, Inglewood 6pm Sunday September 13th Free Entry (Offering Received)
If you are are in the Naki, here is a great event. Concert with JULES RIDING. LIFEGATE CHURCH 27 Cutfield Street, Inglewood 6pm Sunday September 13th Free Entry (Offering Received)
Whether it’s hunting, science, the outdoors or intellect – Kevin & Penny Dixon have it covered! Kevin is a gifted communicator passionate pastor who loves the outdoors, has an amazing collection of collections and has never really stopped being a youth group leader. Kevin is a Taranaki lad who has a great knowledge and heart for
Pastors Kevin & Penny Read More »
Lifegate Church in partnership with other local churches host a number of community events each year, adding value to the community around them.
3.30- 5pm every Tuesday during term. Kevin and the team at Lifegate Church have been providing an excellent hangout space for young people since 2012. This is meeting an important need in the community and connects young people with a community that can care about them and offer them support. If you are at High
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